Sunday, March 8, 2015

Blog #5

My individual part to this group project is working with Tamieka to come up with many different microaggression scenarios that the class can act out together. We all grouped up in twos and sectioned off doing different parts of our presentation, which we found a lot easier. Tamieka and I focused on doing about 15 scenarios that we will have the classroom portray by picking names out of a hat. We felt that this would've been a much better idea than a skit because the classroom can get involved and we can also have discussions on the way that each person portrayed their character to be and what they did that the audience liked and what they did that they didn't like. We really wanted the class to get involved in our presentation so we felt this was the perfect idea. Tamieka and I last class, worked on putting this scenarios together and I think we did a pretty good job. By allowing each person in the class to partake in these scenarios, I think it's going to have a good outcome because we will be able to see how each person would individually react to a situation that they may not like.

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