Sunday, March 8, 2015

Blog #5

My individual part to this group project is working with Tamieka to come up with many different microaggression scenarios that the class can act out together. We all grouped up in twos and sectioned off doing different parts of our presentation, which we found a lot easier. Tamieka and I focused on doing about 15 scenarios that we will have the classroom portray by picking names out of a hat. We felt that this would've been a much better idea than a skit because the classroom can get involved and we can also have discussions on the way that each person portrayed their character to be and what they did that the audience liked and what they did that they didn't like. We really wanted the class to get involved in our presentation so we felt this was the perfect idea. Tamieka and I last class, worked on putting this scenarios together and I think we did a pretty good job. By allowing each person in the class to partake in these scenarios, I think it's going to have a good outcome because we will be able to see how each person would individually react to a situation that they may not like.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Blog #4

Why do we need to have these conversations about race?  What can we do to shift the tides towards justice and change?  How can we connect to make our projects matter in the world outside our classroom?

I feel that we should have these conversations about race because it is essential with the world today because there's many different diversities out there, and we should all be able to have an understanding of that, yes your race or ethnicity may be different than others, but we're all people and we need to come together. Without these conversations, I probably wouldn't really think about race or ethnicity in the way that this class brings it out of me. I realize that there's so much more to just the term race or just the term ethnicity. So many things can come from that which brings me to the next question about justice and change. Race and Ethnicity can be used against people, which in entail causes problems in the world today. I think what we can do to shift the tides towards justice and change is really just let people know what's going on, all these racial issues out there need to be taken serious. I think we can make these shifts by presenting our information in a way that would really get our audience and even outsiders to see that there's so much more than to just what a person is other than their race or ethnicity. If people are able to really see the problems that come from within those two words, maybe that can make a change because I personally believe that some people may not want too, but once they see another persons experience or hardships, it may trigger something in their brain to say, "You know what? This should not be occurring, there should be no reason why there is any injustice within all races and ethnicity". As a whole we need to come together and really put forth vital information in such a way that the audience will change the way they feel about what's going on. I know for my own self, I may not believe something until the facts are proven to me, (which can also include personal experiences) Just by hearing a person's story who's really been through a lot, it can really change a persons outlook and get them to understand what the issue really is at hand and what do we need to do to change that. I believe that this can definitely help. I think we can connect our projects to many websites, articles, youtube videos etc, basically anything that can possibly break the internet and get a ton of viewers. That can be a first step and than hopefully can bring forth a movement to get these ideas flowing in our audience's heads. If we present vital, and interesting information, it's only going to attract more and more audience and it's how you spread the word in which we as a group can change and make these issues matter to the world today.